Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, 9/1/2010

Ben and I both had meetings at our church tonight.  His ended at 6:30 and mine began at 7:00.  So, Katie and I picked him up at 6:30, drove home, and then I dropped the two of them off at the house and went right back for my meeting.  Since we weren't going to be eating together, I opted for a simple cheeseburger macaroni hamburger helper dinner.  The flavor was a little dull, so I added about a teaspoon of chili powder and 10 shakes of Tabasco sauce to the dish while the pasta cooked.  It turned out to be quite enjoyable. 

Katie must be in a growth spurt right now.  She is taking 3+ hour naps and seems to be eating 7-8 times a day.  Tonight, according to Ben, she used her frequent hunger as a stall tactic. Ben watched a couple videos online with her and told her it was time to go to bed.  As they started to walk to the stairs, she said "food" and started pulling at the pantry door.  He went through the entire list of food items that were options for her to eat.  She said "no" to each one, except oatmeal.  Thinking that she might be stalling, Ben took a long time preparing a bowl for her.  He expected her to get distracted or say "no" before he actually cooked it.  But, she didn't.  She willingly got into her highchair and got her bib on.  She took one bite and said "all done".  Argh!  Ben knew that was a possibility, so he didn't get too frustrated with her.  Since my patience level was way down this afternoon, it's a good thing the oatmeal thing happened with Ben and not me:) 

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