Friday, October 22, 2010

Wednesday, 10/20/2010

Tonight we enjoyed the simplicity of left overs. We all gladly finished off the corn bread/BBQ pulled pork dish I made yesterday. Katie called the corn bread "cake." Very cute:)

Our evenings this week are filled with prepping for my first album to be released.  Ben took amazing photos of me and has been designing beautiful CD case inserts.  His attention to details astounds me.  It's a good thing he is in charge of the design and not me.  I could never make it look as great as he does.  We hope to have the design all done by tomorrow night so that we can submit the CD order.  Yikes...I can't believe this is happening! How very, very cool:)

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the cover, finding out ordering info. :D
