Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, 4/20/2011

Tonight was my chicken sausage do-over dinner.  With the carbon scraped off of the grill cover and the gas still on when I put the sausages on, they came out great!  I put the sausages on the grill as far away from the main source of the gas as I could.  Ben mentioned that the grill is hotter on that side.  Sure enough, they didn't burn like they usually do.  Fantastic!  I also grilled asparagus for a side dish.  The sausages grill on indirect medium while the asparagus goes on direct medium.  They are perfect companions for maximizing the grill. 

When we shot Spencer and Kate's engagement photos at Pike Place Market, one of the produce vendors told us that asparagus is actually sweeter and less stringy when it is bigger.  He said that the outer, woody part is what develops first and just stretches out to cover the sweeter insides.  So, the thicker the stalk, the less woody the outside is and the sweeter the inside.  Finally, after two months, I listened.  He was right.  The thicker stalks were sweeter and easier to eat.  I have just purchased my last bunch of skinny asparagus.  Thanks produce guy!

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