Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, 10/4/2010

Our family has a cold:(  Our noses are running, we have headaches, and we are generally under the weather.  I tried to feed Katie some organic kids Elmo soup for dinner.  She took one bite and spit it out.  I stirred it with my finger and wished I hadn't licked my finger afterward.  It's no wonder she spit it out--it was gross. 

My back up plan was to have breakfast for dinner.  Since we just had nice sausage and egg breakfast sandwiches yesterday morning, I decided to go with pancakes and bacon tonight.  I made two batches using different mixes: Bisquick and Snoqualmie Falls.  I first made the Bisquick batch because it is less expensive, and I thought it would be easier than Snoqualmie.  Yes, Bisquick it is less expensive, but it takes milk and eggs.  You only need to add water to the  Snoqualmie mix.  Anyway, I made the Bisquick batch and decided I don't like how it tastes anymore.  I much prefer the Snoqualmie mix, and I know Ben does too.  So, I finished using the Bisquick mix and will save those for Katie.  Then I made a batch for Ben and I out of the good stuff. Is it horrible of me to feed my daughter the cheaper, not as tasty pancakes?  I decided no.  In the end, she will just appreciate it more when she gets a good one.  Right?  :)


  1. I thought we agreed that I would receive props for my excellent pancake-making skills.

  2. You are right Ben--that was our agreement. I'm so sorry to have neglected to mention that you are a far superior pancake maker than I am. Your pancakes are round and golden brown. Mine are not. Please forgive me:)
