Monday, 3/21/2011
Ben and I ate Impossible Taco Pie for our dinner tonight. One more meal of it remains for this week. Katie ate some peanut butter, a bite or two of banana, and a bunch of carrots!!! I asked her if she would eat some and jumped to prepare them when she said yes. I pealed one carrot, chopped it into small sticks, and then steamed them until fork tender. Katie knocked two carrot sticks onto her tray while she was stirring them in her bowl with a fork. I took the bowl away along with her other food and drink options. I told her could have them back after she ate the two pieces of carrot. To our surprise, she at them and then asked for more carrots! Win! Win! Win! In the end, she didn't want to eat anything else for the night. Whoo Hoo for steamed carrots!
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