Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, 9/7/2010

We hosted our parent support group in our home tonight.  We served spaghetti with meat sauce, caesar salad, garlic bread, and giant brownies with nutella.  Oh my gosh, it was all sooo delicious!  The spaghetti sauce was Ben's family recipe--a secret.  I know enough of the recipe to make sure we have the right ingredients, but I could not tell you how much of each ingredient to add to the pot.  That remains a secret:)   The caesar salad came out of Fresh Express bags, with extra Parmesan cheese and black pepper added.  I got the giant chocolate hazelnut brownie recipe out of a Sunset Magazine.  Wow, were they ever a hit!

Katie has taken long naps this week, and it has been great!  I have been able to get my tasks done for work and get a few things done around the house too.  Today I was able to start and finish baking the brownies, which baked in muffin tins.  What a clever idea--no cutting!  The brownie batter was spooned into the muffin cups.  I then created little wells in the center of each brownie and filled the wells with Nutella.  I think this was the first time I have purchased that delicious spread.  It is too bad I didn't finish the jar off with the brownies; it is definitely at risk of being consumed by the spoonful this week;)  Ben's spaghetti sauce was enjoyed, but the brownies were devoured with smiles!  

After she woke from her nap, Katie spent the afternoon walking into the kitchen with her mouth wide open, asking for "cake".  I promised her that she could have some "cake" after dinner.  Lucky for her, I fulfilled my promise.  I would have willingly eaten her brownie:)

A couple non-food related highlights from the evening:
  • Katie and Jackson gave each other a hug--arms wide open, cheeks touching.  So sweet!
  • When Oliver left, he was asked to give Katie a kiss goodbye.  She puckered right up and got one right on the lips.  Cuties!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nutella brownie recipe! I have been looking for a good one!
